Like a Record: Squirrel Spins Right Round on Bird Feeder

Oh, Baby!

Slow Motion Video of Squirrels Eating Carrots

Squirrel Does Umbrella Photoshoot

Squirrel Does Umbrella Photoshoot

Squirrel Does Umbrella Photoshoot

Squirrel Tags Along For 16 Holes at Golf Course

Nut falls on head


'Why Do You Have a Squirrel?' Boy Arrives Home With Unexpected Find

Cheeky Chipmunk Helps Itself to Nuts

Cheeky Chipmunk Helps Itself to Nuts Straight From Man's Hand

Cat Keeps Watchful Eye on Squirrel

Squirrel Takes Cover as Blizzard Dumps Almost 3 Feet of Snow Near Denver

'Pole: 1, Squirrel: 0': Determined Critter Repeatedly Fails to Conquer Greased Bird Feeder

Groundhog, Squirrel, and Chipmunk Share Daily Meal at Tiny Picnic Table

'That's Nuts, Guys': Chipmunk Stuffs Kids' Peanuts Into Its Mouth

Peekaboo! YouTuber Surprises Squirrel in Trashcan

Determined Chipmunk 'Tries to Steal' Hiking Pole in Emerald Lake, British Columbia

Woman Helps Untangle Chipmunk's Claw from Porch Chair

Sneaky Squirrel Steals Snacks in London Sainsburys

Squirrel Is An Absolute Unit


Heroic College Student Gives Drowning Squirrel CPR

Squirrel, Alligator and Raccoon Cross Paths on a Trail in Florida