Snake Removed From Motorcycle Seat
Melbourne Magpie Makes Its Pick on Whether Djokovic Should Play Australian Open
Koala Joey Brightens Lockdown Life for Zoo Director and Family
Koala Climbs Rope During Morning Gym Session
Rescued Kangaroo Enjoys a Scratch at Rural Queensland Property
Aussie Snake Catcher Finds Carpet Python Mom and Eggs in Compost Bin
Rescued Bats Enjoy Fig Leaf Lunch in Queensland, Australia
Rescued Bats Enjoy Fig Leaf Lunch in Queensland, Australia
Baby Hangs Out in Pouch of Her Own Beside Kangaroo Joeys
The Upper Crust: Woman Gives Bread to Roof-Dwelling Possum
Magpies Team Up on Snake in Rural New South Wales
World's Oldest Platypus Celebrates Birthday With Some Tickles
'Bath Time!': Woman Gives Emus a Hose-Down in Australian Outback
Pelican Dances While Piano Plays During Sunset Concert in South Australia
Puppy Befriends Deer Visiting Family House in Montana
'It Definitely Went for Me': Australian Man Chilling on Deck in Close Encounter With Sneaky Snake
Baby Koala Tumbles Off Mother's Back While Climbing Through Fence in Victoria
Hello World: Koala Joey Emerges From Mum's Pouch for First Time
Cute Tassie Devil Does the 'Snow Shake' on Icy Cradle Mountain
Koala Leaps Between Trees at Australian Wildlife Sanctuary
Carpet Python Hides Under Queensland Girl's Bed
Feisty Kangaroo Fights With Garden Swing in South Australia
If Walls Could Hiss: Snake Catcher Extracts Uncooperative Python
Oh Snap! Posing Tourists Given Fright in Crocodile Prank
Are You Echidna-ing Me? Man Encounters Trio of Echidnas