#set #222 #declaration of independence #nbc revolution #miles matheson #sebastian monroe #miloe #he many many trials of sebastian monroe #a reindeer shaking its head and look you can see charlie still comforting gene in the background beh #at the same time and i sort of wish we could have seen what charlie thought about connor running off #buddy her partner in crime and hes fking up pretty bad and i wanna know what that hug was about i ne #or for tptb to release the scene the way they did for that riles kisspersonally i found miles 180 on #and i guess in retrospect this is the start of it bass gave up his kid - the one thing he wanted mor #miles well thats how miles sees it but im not 100 convinced its that simple coz bass wants family th #es is his other half not his better half so maybe the idea of being accepted and on good terms w all #hell even aaron gene is something he needs rn coz bass been lost for so fking long and really this w #i feel like every time that door chime tinkles in walks another problembut its such a cutsie bell so