
Explore blue maga GIFs


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Live Action Pittsburgh GIF by Creative CourageIllustrated gif. Brightly colored wheel labeled "GOP election bullshit detector," the arrow spinning around past "Some BS," "Usual BS," "Major BS," landing on "BS meltdown," which in turn melts into dripping slime on a fuchsia background.Illustrated gif. Two hands raising a cardboard-and-Sharpie sign into a blue sky, reading, "We defeated Trump before, and we'll do it again."Text gif. Two lists, the blue one on the left reads, "Democratic wins, Created millions of good paying jobs, Strengthened domestic manufacturing, Made historic climate investments, Lowered healthcare and prescription drug prices, Lowered energy costs," each article punctuated with a blue star. The pink one on the right reads, "The Maga agenda, Cut social security and Medicare, Cut taxes for wealthy tax cheats, Criminalize abortion and contraceptives, Allow big pharma to increase drug prices, Weaken gun safety laws," each article punctuated with a red X.Vote Voting GIF by INTO ACTIONDigital art gif. Red depiction of the recycle symbol on a black background, white marker font all around. Text, "The three Ls of Trump Republicans, Lose, Lie, Lash out."Meme gif. Angry Tantrum Girl on the ground kicking and screaming. Text, "As with children, ignoring Trump Republicans' tantrums is the best strategy.American Flag Trump GIF by Off The JacksWarning Joe Biden GIF by Creative CourageJoe Biden GIF by Creative CourageText gif. White and blue text on a yellow background reads, "Michigan Voters Decide. Not Politicians." An arrow circles the "Not" and the i in "Decide" is a fist.Live Action Pittsburgh GIF by Creative CourageGo Vote GIF by Creative CourageDigital art gif. Colorful gauge on a black background, bearing the levels "low moderate high very," indicator maxing out at "extreme." Text, "All abortion bans are extreme."Text gif. Stylized lettering in varied handwriting fonts lighting up red white and blue on a charcoal black background, reading, "Democrats fix the problems Republicans create," Create then shattering into pieces.Video gif. Woman leans towards us in front of a navy blue background, pulling a megaphone up to her mouth and squinting her eyes, yelling. Above her, a shouting speech bubble reads in decorative, bold text, “Don’t fear their lies, vote!”Batman Democrat GIF by Creative CouragePolitical gif. Image from 16-bit Nintendo Duck Hunt, the frantically flying duck labeled "my rights," Laughing Dog appearing from below, labeled "Republicans."Stanley Cup Vote GIF by Creative CourageVote Democrat GIF by Creative CourageAmerican Trump GIF by Creative CourageJoe Biden GIF by Creative CourageWilly Wonka and the Chocolate Factory gif. Julie Dawn Cole as Veruca shakes her head and screams, throwing her hands in the air. Text, “The election was rigged.” Peter Ostrum as Charlie reacts with an annoyed shrug. Text, “Another GOP tantrum, here we go again…”Make America Great Again Trump2020 GIF by Off The JacksTV gif. Steve Harvey on Family Fued, flanked by two contestants at the face-off podium, reads "Name a plan the GOP has to combat inflation," Amber hits the buzzer and quickly ventures "There is no plan." Harvey turns to the board commanding "Show me," the board revealing, in 2nd place, "No plan, 11 points."
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