This Is Capture Or Kill

Gostijn Mocap dancing - 1 Crispy Bacon

Green Screen

Gimme Kissy

Super Cut – New Capture

Zone Captured

Found Him

First On-Camera Kiss

Gostijn Mocap dancing - 3

Gostijn Mocap dancing - 2

Motorcyclist Captures Moment Power Cuts In Japan

Dwight Captures the Bat

GoStijn Visual Jockey- 7 Motion Capture

Capture the moment

My Dog Captured The Fugitive

Ring Doorbell Captures Scooter Fail

Initial motion capture test

He's A War Hero Because He Was Captured

Recording portrait video with phone

Ta photo


Capture Both

First We Feast

Tu as compris ce que j'ai dit


Captured this film

The Academy Awards

Seeds of Content: Photographer Captures Close-Up of Squirrel Enjoying Treat