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Music video gif. Scenes from Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 music video play as a blue bubble bounces over the lyrics that are displayed below. First, we see Dolly singing followed by several shots of diverse women commuting to work. Text, Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin’. Voting on company time ‘cause our freedoms ain’t a given.”Movie gif. Gary Cole as Bill in Office Space stands in the office with his hands on his hips and purses his lips. Text, “I’m going to need you to take the time you need to vote.”honda evolution GIFDigital art gif. Woman with lilac-colored hair and purple cat-eye glasses winks at us against a blue polka dot background. A speech bubble emerges above her with the text, “Getting paid to leave work and vote is sticking it to the man twice.”Digital art gif. Blinking and stoic, Rosie the Riveter rolls up her sleeve, showing off her flexed bicep against a yellow background. Text, “On election day, we can take time off to vote.”Text gif. White stylized text against blue background reads, “Every employee deserves the right to take off time to vote.” The words “to vote” blink in white and pink.elezioni2019 davidevalentinisindaco GIF by Grafica1930Digital art gif. Collage of colorful boxes featuring a red check being drawn in a white box, a laptop, a door opening on a yellow house, and a ballot being dropped into a ballot box reads, “Policies affect where you live, vote, and work.”Digital art gif. Time card punches into a time clock, then spins and turns into a polling booth against a dark blue background. Text, “Clock in and vote.”Digital art gif. Brown paper bag labeled “Vote on your lunch break” against a light blue background unrolls and opens, revealing a hand that holds a white paper labeled “Ballot.”Text gif. In classic screensaver fashion, the words “Civic Alliance” bounce around the frame as it changes colors against a black background.
Flintstones gif. Caveman foreman pulls a prehistoric work whistle, a string attached to a bird whose beak opens wide and yells, “Take a break and go vote.” Fred Flintstone smiles and waves his arms in celebration and says, “Yabadabadoo!” as he hurries away.Rat Trap Glitch GIF by sophiaqinDigital art gif. Daily Struggle comic meme features a man sweating nervously as he wipes his brow. Above him, we see his hand sliding back and forth undecidedly between two red buttons. One is labeled “Another Zoom Call,” while the other is labeled “Leave work to go vote.”The Office gif. Steve Carell as Michael holds up a white mug labeled “Take time off of your workday to vote,” and says soberly, “That pretty much sums it up.”Digital art gif. Woman under a yellow banner that says “Play hooky for democracy!” sits at a desk with a computer and a mug against a light blue background. The computer transforms into a table with a red, white, and blue tablecloth as an American flag appears in the cup, and fireworks pop around her now-smiling face. The banner above her head changes to red with the text, “Take the day off to be a poll worker.”Digital art gif. Blue and white desk calendar’s pages are continuously pulled away against a light blue background. The pages read, “Nov 8 work remote election day, Nov 8 and go vote.”Parks and Recreation gif. Amy Poehler as Leslie wearing a campaign button excitedly leads a group of smiling colleagues into a polling place. Text, “Get your colleagues and go vote.”Animated gif. White notification bubble with an email icon emerges against a blue background. Text, “Out of office voting. You should go vote, too.”Digital art gif. Circle badge with flashing pink, white, and blue arcs sprouts shooting stars against a yellow background. Text, “Proud member of the civic alliance.”Digital art gif. Blue square of paper taped to a yellow background waves gently. Text, “Out of office volunteering at the pools.” Inside of the “O” in word polls, is a smiley face.Digital gif. Round blue button turns back and forth over a pink background. Flashing blue and white text reads, “Parent, Neighbor, Employee, Voter.”Civicamente Con Piffer Sindaco GIF by Civicamente Monza
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