Happy Globe Day
Protect The Earth
Climate Activists Delay Beethoven Concert in Hamburg
When You Can't Hug People
Yaaaas Girl!
Captain Planet Says:
Open Your Eyes
There Is No Planet B
Estamos Juntos En Esto
Forests Protect Us
Protect Our Lands
Speak Up
Protect the Environment Now
We're All In This Together
Climate Activists Protest During COP27 Summit
Happy Earth Day Hug
Clean Energy
Happy Mother's Day
Polluting the Planet
Trees Are Earth's Ventilators
Earth Day Every Day
Climate Activist Runs Onto Court During French Open
Thousands Turn Out for Youth Climate March in Glasgow as Thunberg Labels Cop26 a 'Failure'
Arrests Made as Gas Pumps Damaged in Climate Protest on London Motorway
Climate Activists Cover French Prime Minister's Residence in Paint