Protect The Earth
Jane Fonda | Action Planet
Run For Your Life Globe
GIPHY Studios 2021
Polluting the Planet
A Death Sentence
I'm Doing This for My Son
Protesters Spray Energy Company's Logo on Art
'Don't Be a Fossil Fool': Climate Change Protesters Rally in Lausanne
Crowds Gather For Youth Climate March in Glasgow
Teen Climate Protesters Write 'Help' on Doors of EU Parliament in Brussels Ahead of Elections
'Clarion the Bear' and Climate Activists Complete 306-Mile Walk to Glasgow
'Respectful' Climate Change Protest Forces Lockdown of Broadcasting House
Extinction Rebellion Demonstrators Protest Outside Heathrow Airport
Extinction Rebellion Group Blocks Central London Street in Air Pollution Protest
Extinction Rebellion Activists Block Traffic and Hold Up Tourist Bus in New York City
Extinction Rebellion Protesters Rally Against Greenwashing Outside JP Morgan Building in Glasgow
Thousands Turn Out for Youth Climate March in Glasgow as Thunberg Labels Cop26 a 'Failure'
Tens of Thousands Join Climate March in Glasgow as COP26 Talks Continue
Extinction Rebellion Protester Climbs Big Ben
Protesters Demand Climate Action Outside Chamber of Commerce in Washington
Australian Police Clash With Climate Change Protesters in Melbourne
Climate Change Protesters Gather at Columbus Circle
Climate Change Supporters March on Berlin Streets
Senator Joe Manchin Confronted by Climate Protesters in Washington
Climate Protesters Arrested at Congressional Baseball Game in DC