Man Sings to Try to Soothe Alligators Distressed by Hurricane Ian
It's an interesting experience
Indiana Jones
'Gator Crusader' Gives Alligators a Special Bath Ahead of Christmas
After you, junior
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones
Are you crazy?
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones
Ooh Yeah! This Gator Only Responds to Macho Man
This is intolerable
Indiana Jones
Burn their souls to ash
I didn't know you could fly a plane
Indiana Jones
Fight Harder Tomorrow!
One Day At A Time
Man Sings My Way to Alligators
Gator Crusader Shows How He Spends the Holidays
'The Gator Crusader' Goes for a Swim With His Alligators
Man Sings Stairway To Heaven to Alligators
'This Is How We Carve Jack-O'-Lanterns in Florida' - Watch as Gators Gobble Pumpkins
Gators Get Meaty Treat From Their Valentine
An oath
Be A Crusader
Man Sings to Soothe Alligators During Hurricane Ia
Man Sings Grease to Alligators
The Crusade Begins Now
The Roku Channel