Happy Birthday!
The Democrats
The Democrats
Woah, woah, woah. Hang on, guys.
The Democrats
Belated happy birthday!
The Democrats
Sure. No. You kidding me?
The Democrats
Happy birthday, baby!
The Democrats
Well, I miss you, too!
The Democrats
The Democrats
Mr. Wise Guy over here.
The Democrats
We did it!
The Democrats
Happy Birthday!
The Democrats
Because how could I not?
The Democrats
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
The Democrats
First Jewish spouse celebrating Hanukkah.
The Democrats
The Democrats
Just take care of yourself.
The Democrats
It's simple.
The Democrats
You think I'm kidding, it's not a joke.
The Democrats
What are Republicans for?
The Democrats
What in the hell is he talking about?
The Democrats
Wait, wait, wait a minute!
The Democrats
Fundamental gamechanger for families.
The Democrats
Familiar experience.
The Democrats
Cut child poverty in half this year.
The Democrats
Let me show you how.
The Democrats