Investigation Launched as Man, 66, Hits Ground While Being Removed From Arizona Social Security Office
Elderly Man, Pregnant Women, Wounded Police Officer Evacuated on Private Charter Plane
Travaillez avec les personnes agées
Care Home Resident Bursts Into Tears After Receiving Pillow Imprinted With Late Wife's Image
Fire Rips Through New York Senior Center
Ohio Nursing Home Releases Balloons to Mark Year of Pandemic
Seniors Evacuated as Blaze Rips Through Assisted-Living Facility in New York
Therapy Pets Visit a Veterans' Home
Little Girl Turns Into Miniature Old Lady to Celebrate Her 100th Day of School
Great-Grandma Hugs Kids Through Homemade Plastic Divider
Melbourne Aged-Care Home Pampers Residents to Lift Spirits Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Large Fire Breaks Out at Assisted-Living Facility in New York City Suburb
Pensions Delivered to Elderly Amid Shelling in East Ukraine
Private Citizens Deliver Generator to Elderly Facility in Isabela
Volunteer Cyclists Deliver Essential Supplies to Elderly in Southern Ukraine
Elderly otter with magic walking stick
Still Love You
GIPHY Studios 2021
78-Year-Old Powerlifter Crushes Barbell Squat in Royal Oak, Michigan
Janelle DeWitt
Great Dane Therapy Dog Brings Joy at Pittsburgh Care Facilities
In the VIP line for the COVID vaccine
We're Pissed Off
Best Nanny Ever!
protect our elders v2
Care Home Transformed Into Buckingham Palace for Queen's Jubilee