Seal Sneezes Sound Like Farts
Stranded Elephant Seal Flops in Street in Chilean Seaside Town Before Rescue
'Unprecedented' Elephant Seal Birth Recorded in Brazil
Rarely-Seen Elephant Seal Caught Snoozing Off California Coast
Window-Smashing Elephant Seal 'Likely' Back on Australian Shores, Authorities Say
Onlookers Amazed by Seal Running Amok in Aussie Town
Sea Lions Use Elephant Seal as Mattress on Farallon Islands
Cam Smith
Taking a Sip!
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Seal Sneezes Sound Like Farts
'You Big Tub of Lard': Neil the Seal Spotted Trying to Break Into Garage
Neil the Seal Gives a Wave as He Attracts Onlookers
Neil the Seal Spotted in 'Friendly Neighborhood Dispute' With Conservation Official
Neil the Seal Strikes a Pose to the Delight of Tasmanian Locals
Giant Seal Checks Out Gas Station in Victoria Town
Elephant Seal Ruins Australian Dog Owner's Plan for a Walk