
Explore equal rights amendment GIFs


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United States Women GIF by INTO ACTIONHuman Rights Freedom GIF by Creative CourageAmy Klobuchar Era GIF by Election 2020Trans Day Of Visibility Virginia GIF by GIPHY NewsEqual Rights Amendment Cheer GIF by Texas Archive of the Moving ImageHuman Rights Gay GIF by INTO ACTIONHuman Rights Freedom GIF by Creative CourageEqual Rights Amendment Phone GIF by Generation RatifyTrans Day Of Visibility Virginia GIF by GIPHY NewsRight To Vote Womens Rights GIF by INTO ACTIONDigital art gif. Shiny, large number "nineteen" in a gradient of red, black and blue sits against a deep black background and above the all-caps words, "equal rights. Equal citizenship."Digital art gif. Gleaming gold chain featuring the letters “XIX” swings back and forth over a blue background.Digital art gif. Shiny blue button pin, inside of which is a large blue "nineteen" and the words "equal vote, equal citizenship," rotating around the outside of the button in a circle.Digital art gif. Black fist with blue fingernails and a lue XIX symbol on its wrist pumps up and down against a purple background. Text, “Equal vote, equal power.”Digital art gif. Sun featuring an “XIX” rises over a fluffy white cloud, shining blue, orange, and yellow rays within a circle ver a white background. Text, “We will rise.”Text gif. Pink and yellow text dripping in spray paint against a black background reads, “We will rise up.”Text gif. Rainbow text surrounded by white flourishes against a black background reads, “19 Now.”Digital art gif. Pink pennant waves over a light blue background with the message “19th Amendment.”Digital art gif. Gleaming gold coin turns on its side against a light blue background. On one side, it says “Our voice. Our future.” The other side reads “XIX” which represents the 19th Amendment.Digital art gif. Two women clasp their hands together, flexing their muscles against a gray-painted background. Text, “We are the solution.”
Digital art gif. Four blue cartoon hands snake across a blue background to form the number nineteen.Digital art gif. Several diverse women appear behind the same pair of pink sunglasses featuring an XIX that represents the 19th Amendment against a light blue background. Text, “Equal vote, equal power.”Digital art gif. Three arms belonging to people of color hoist three large white signs into the air against an ombre blue background. The signs read "XIX," or "nineteen."Digital art gif. Sun featuring a “XIX” rises over a fluffy white cloud, shining blue, orange, and yellow rays. Text, “We will rise.”Text gif. Confident woman in aviator sunglasses stands in front of The Marble Palace, pumping an oversized vintage "ERA Yes" button.
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