Yellowstone Park Ranger Tries to Retrieve Hat From Geyser With Fishing Rod
Massachusetts Man Hooks Great White Shark in Cape Cod
Queensland Fishermen Amazed as Shark Frees Itself From Net
Underwater Dentistry: Little Girl's Tooth Is Pulled Out by Fish Hooked to Line
Diver Comes to Aid of Fiddler Ray That Swallowed Fishing Hook
Kind Man Rescues Pelican Caught in Huge Hook
Boaters Struggle to Control Huge Fish After Catch
Innovative South Carolina Man Reels in Fish With Banjo
'He Gonna Grab My Fish?' Orca Eyes Fish on Fisherman's Line
Wriggling Fiddler Ray Rescued From Fishing Hook
Hot Dog! Clever Pooch's Amazing Catch and Release Stunt Goes Viral
Stunning Port Jackson Shark Comes to Grief on Fishing Hook, Quickly Released
Divers Free 'Happy Little Ray' From Fishing Line
Group Effort Frees Pelican Trapped in Fishing Gear on Clearwater Beach
'Cheeky Little Bugger' - Cormorant Takes Advantage of Fisherman’s Catch and Release Policy
North Carolina Fishermen Hook Sharks on Outer Banks Pier
Fishermen Struggle to Release Illegally Caught Hammerhead Shark on Singer Island
New Miami Sea Turtle Hospital Releases Its First Patient Into Ocean
Dolphins Filmed Stealing Crab Bait in First-of-its-Kind Footage
Diver Untangles Spider Crab Trapped in Fishing Line