"This is the biggest win."

Pres. Trump wins NH primary

"I want to congratulate Ron and Nikki."

We're Going To Make America Great Again

"He's dressed like a wall."

This Is A Magnificent Place

I Am Incredibly Blessed By Their Support

Thank You New Hampshire For The Love Kindness And

"This is still Donald Trump's party."

"We are just getting started."

Let's Go Gophers

Can't watch anymore

Robert E Blackmon

We Stand By You

We're All Worried About The Future Of Our Nation

"We take destiny's hand."

We Stand With You

"It conquers America."

And what does President Biden do?

He's Out Of Touch

"This crisis is despicable."

"Pres. Biden just doesn't get it."

President Biden's Border Policies Are A Disgrace

Bless These United States Of America

It's Truly Breathtaking

Steeped In The Blood Of Patriots