Man hits other man with fly swatter, misses fly
Steve Worthington
Hit A Wall
Eternal Family
A man hits friend with a fly swatter, missing fly
Steve Worthington
I'm Feeling Something
You Wrote That Song
The frog man and the fly
Steve Worthington
Hit It, Guys!
Five Nights At Freddy’s
Santa Hits The Slopes
Santa Hits The Slopes
Cardi B!
Billboard Music Awards
Drone Takes Flight Through Spectacular Christmas Lights at Ohio Home
Hitting It Hard
Hit Snooze
Taylor Swift Jokes With Crowd as Deluge Hits
Little Girl Spices Up Tee-Ball Hit With Stylish Cartwheel on Way to First Base
Big hit
Women's National Football Conference
Hitting Me
The Roku Channel
Go Hit The Polls
Hey, Baby GIrl
GIPHY Studios 2022
They Hit Different
SB - SSBU - Neutral B - X1 Only
SB - SSBU - Tilt Neutral B Showcase