Emotional damage
I'm Sorry, What?
Got Jokes?
This Is No Game
I'm not being facetious.
The Democrats
You think I'm kidding, it's not a joke.
The Democrats
I'm Not Kidding This Is Real
Desus & Mero
No, I'm serious!
The Democrats
No No No
Not a joke.
The Democrats
I'm being deadly earnest.
The Democrats
For reals yo
No, I mean it sincerely.
The Democrats
Not a joke.
The Democrats
It Might Sound Funny But I'm Serious
Not a joke.
The Democrats
For reals yo
No, I really mean it.
The Democrats
No, I mean it.
The Democrats
'Wash Your Hands, I'm Serious!': Little Girl Stresses Importance of Hygiene Amid COVID-19
I'm not joking.
The Democrats
I mean this sincerely.
The Democrats
No, no. That's the God's truth.
The Democrats
Sorry About This
Fast & Furious
I Take this Profession Seriously