Why Are You the Way That You Are?

You're A Little Wuss

La même compagnie qui dit que tu es une nigrèsse


Smells Fishy | Teen Titans GO! See Space Jam

Cartoon Network

La même compagnie qui dit que tu vaux rien


Bad Oral Hygiene

Tu vaux rien


I'm Not Stupid

Oscar nominated

The Academy Awards


Rick and Morty

I'm Ready To Back It Up

"You're not a man at all, you're a HORSE!"

You Still Have Your Dignity.... Wait No You Don't

Living Single

Prettiest Fighter

Why Y'all Talking?

Toxic Love

Living Single

Shut Up Shut Up!

I'm Tired Of This Guy

Eat Him Up Like Pac Man

you're trash brock

Old Cranky Mangy Lazy Stinky

Join The Beatles

It's Extremely Insulting To Myself

The Roku Channel

This Is Almost Insulting!
