"Let that sink in."

Bless His Heart

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

"We see you."

"We all feel it."

"The result is tragic, but foreseeable."

He's Out Of Touch

"This crisis is despicable."

"Pres. Biden just doesn't get it."

President Biden's Border Policies Are A Disgrace

"Our families are hurting."

"You only have yourself to blame."

President Biden Just Doesn't Get It

"Where I'm from, your word is your bond."

We Stand By You

We're All Worried About The Future Of Our Nation

"We take destiny's hand."

We Stand With You

"It conquers America."

And what does President Biden do?

Bless These United States Of America

It's Truly Breathtaking

Steeped In The Blood Of Patriots

Bless These United States Of America
