Time After Time!
Sniff Sniff
Fast & Furious
Happy 20th Anniversary Barack and Michelle
Barack And Michelle
Kind Of Funny
Fast & Furious
You Look Handsome
Fast & Furious
Happy 20th Anniversary Barack and Michelle
Everywhere - Michelle Branch
I'm Super Excited
Women Engaged
Did You Hear That Black Girl Magic?
Women Engaged
Holy Michelle Obama
Parks and Recreation
We Love To Celebrate You
Women Engaged
Whitney Michel - Black Creatives
Whitney Michel - Creating A Story
Whitney Michel - Origin Story
Blake Griffin and Michelle Obama Are Aligned
Thought I had more time
Veterans Cross Channel Ahead of D-Day 80 Commemorations in France
Maid of Honor Gives Tear-Jerking Speech Via FaceTime
Michelle says I'm still cute, though.
The Democrats
Michelle Is Mad At Me
Barack and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris
My Stomach Is Literally Growling
Best in Miniature
I'm Going To Give It My Best
Best in Miniature