Fundamental gamechanger for families.

The Democrats

Cut child poverty in half this year.

The Democrats

Fiscally responsibile.

The Democrats

50% to 52% emission reductions by the year 2030.

The Democrats

Most significant investment to deal with climate.

The Democrats

Create millions of jobs.

The Democrats

Universal education in America.

The Democrats

Pay no more than 7% of income for child care.

The Democrats

There Are Very Few Things I've Asked For In This World

Parks and Recreation

The Build Back Better Framework

The Democrats

Ukrainians Celebrate Orthodox Easter in Kharkiv

Cycle of Life!

Janelle DeWitt

Thank you for those that support us

Snow Falls in New York City

Macy's 4th of July

Everdale: The Second Update! All Fresh and New!


Everdale: The Second Update! All Fresh and New!

DIY Hack Turns Building Supplies Into Perfect Breakfast Oven

DIY Hack Turns Building Supplies Into Perfect Breakfast Oven

Snow Falls in New York City

Anti-Abortion Rights 'Spiderman' Scales New York Times Building

how to

Francisco Negrello

Skiing in New York

"How do we build in more guardrails?"