Uh Okay
Desus & Mero
I'm doing fine
Whatever you say (Sarcasm)
Are You Okay?
Dwight Dumps Water on Phyllis
Please Act Normal
Parks and Recreation
I Would Love If Someone Would Say Something Positive
Parks and Recreation
Malvika Sheth
Alrighty Then
The Roku Channel
You May Be Right, But I Don't Have to Like It
Man Saves Trout That Jumped Out of Water Onto Thin Ice
The Roku Channel
Boat Explosion Kills 1 Person and Leaves Three Others With Traumatic Injuries
Ducks Slip and Slide During First Frozen Pond Experience
Okay Guys I'm Going To Bed
How are you guys doing?
The Democrats
We're getting there
First We Feast
Every side is my good side
First We Feast
God's doing some crazy stuff
Wisconsin Film Guy
Okay Okay
'Huge Hail' Falls Over Colorado's Frederick as Storms Take Hold
Haha That's Okay