It's 2022. Sing like no one can hear you!
Best Friends Animal Society
Koko the Cockatoo Windsurfing in Car
GIPHY Studios 2021
Like a Record: Squirrel Spins Right Round on Bird Feeder
Pet Bird Spins Toy Cell Phone
Mimicking Magpie Delivers Pitch-Perfect Rooster Crow at Sunrise as Cat Watches On
Cockatiel Sings September
New Yorker Shares Corn Treat With Pet Parrot
Passenger Captures Take Off and Landing on Board KLM Flight
Helpful Cockatoo Loves Assisting Her Mom With Laundry
Ostrich Causes Rush Hour Traffic Jam in England
Harley the Cockatoo Finds a New Hobby - Doing Hair
Falcon Steals Man's Sandwich in Central Japan
Harley the Cockatoo Loves Playing Card Games
What's that chirp?
'Ow!' California Birdwatcher Endures Woodpecker Close Encounter for Strangely Long Time
Skeptical Cockatoo Doesn't Like Toy Seal
These Goats in a Tree are the Most Bizarre Thing Ever
Cockatoo 'Sings' Into Cup
Harley the Cockatoo and Gizmo Are the Queen and King of Cups
Cockatoo Excels at Destroying Towers of Cups
Cockatoo Relaxes With Games at Kitchen Sink
Bird Obsessed by Mirror
Reckless Cockatoo Attacks Home With Inanimate Object