Happy Birthday!
The Democrats
Joe Biden Reaction
The Democrats
President's Day
GIPHY Studios 2021
Happy birthday, baby!
The Democrats
Hello, Mr. President
The 97th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Happy Presidents Day
Clippernator 3000
Fundamental gamechanger for families.
The Democrats
Cut child poverty in half this year.
The Democrats
I always handed in all my notes.
The Democrats
Fiscally responsibile.
The Democrats
Rest in Peace Jimmy Carter
Are You Really Sorry?
I Can't Think of a Single Thing
We are a nation of promise and possibilities.
We don't give up.
The Democrats
Everybody does well.
The Democrats
One of our proudest accomplishments.
The Democrats
Got To Finish The Job
I'm in awe of your courage.
The Democrats
Bad President
She's right there.
The Democrats
We can do it relatively easy.
The Democrats
Just Be Happy
Him Being President
I got 81 million votes.
The Democrats