She's Dope
That's what she does
She's brilliant.
And she has real character.
The Democrats
She's Like Family
Makes Me Smile
Isn't She Ravishing
She's So Great
So inspiring
Yeah She's Great
If Your Holiday Sweaters Were Honest
She Has Great Ideas
The Roku Channel
She Loved It. It Was Great. We Were Very Young.
After A Great Date
The Roku Channel
Will Smith Stays in Character for Young Fans at Aladdin Premiere
'The Truth She Spoke Cost Her a Great Deal' - Hozier Pays Tribute to Sinead O'Connor
I Think She's Gonna Do Great
The Roku Channel
Bear Charges at Woman After She Calls It 'So Cute'
Hilarious Great Dane Pup 'Slaps' Owner When She Wants Attention