I'm So Startled
Jeeze Louise
Oh my God
Keys scares Karma
Karma's World
The Roku Channel
Look behind you!
Halloween prank!
So Startled
I'm Way Too Startled
Young Boy Startles Dad With Impressive Spidey-Inspired Backflip
Horse Startled by Alligator Slowly Crossing Louisiana Racetrack
Sony Pictures
I'm Alarmed
I'm So Startled
'Holy Smokes': Thunder Startles Swiss Shepherd in Christchurch
Flying Pigeon Startles Mother and Son at Front Porch
Cat Bolts Indoors After Being Startled by Strong Storm Pia Winds
The Great Escape: Startled Bear Scales Fence in Boulder
The Great Escape: Startled Bear Scales Fence in Boulder
Earthquake Startles Dogs in South Carolina
Loud Thunderclap Startles Houston Local During Stormy Downpour
Powerful Winds Startle Medellin Residents
Sea Turtle Startles Beachgoers in Maui
Fan Startles Adele With Face Filter