It Is Your Birthday.

Derek Brunson Stare

"I want to give public school teachers a raise."

State of the Union 2024

Congress Needs To Fund Efforts for Safety

Give Me A Break

Ban Assault Weapons Now
!["It's a chance for [Biden] to lay out his vision."](https://media0.giphy.com/media/OmsexIUYUZVfqVpzFC/200.gif?cid=790b7611t0xei5nruxbfbpfk0wt5rj5jvvx4hysrrvcz2cuj&ep=v1_videos_search&rid=200.gif&ct=v)
"It's a chance for [Biden] to lay out his vision."

"People use IVF for different reasons."

We're Going To Buy American

Give Teachers A Raise

"This is the opening of the 2024 season."

Not Enemies

Not A Good Bet Against American

"I'll be darned."

No Place For Violence

"He does not govern their individual reasons."

Create New Jobs

Now We're Coming Back

"I will stop you."

Conflict Gets Us Nowhere

Do Something

Joe Joe

I Think That's Unforgivable

"We're exporting American products."