Roof Shingles Flap in Hurricane Ian Winds
Floodwater Inundates Streets of Oakland as Bay Area Gets More Than an Inch of Rain
Groundsman Rights Field Shelter That Was Flipped by Storm Winds
'Grandma, Come Look at This!' Funnel Cloud Looms in Arkansas
Trapped Husky Rescued From Kentucky Sewer
Kitten Rescued From Storm Drain
Kitten Rescued From Storm Drain
Atlantic Ocean Begins to Breach Sea Wall Amid Hurricane Ian
Kitten Rescued From Storm Drain
Cancun Hotel Turns Conference Room Into Hurricane Shelter as Delta Approaches
Residents Told to Seek Shelter as Las Vegas Struck by Storm
Haitians Displaced by Earthquake Scramble for Shelter as Storm Bears Down
Louisiana Residents Urged to Take Shelter as Severe Storm Hits
Dogs Missing After Tornado Damages Pet Shelter in Central Arkansas
Beachgoers Shelter in Vehicle as Thunderstorm Hits Jersey Shore
Locals Urged to Seek Shelter as Lightning Storms Hit Southern California
Passengers Shelter as Venice Storm Lashes Deck of Their Cruise Ship
Arkansans Told to Seek Shelter as Hailstones Pelt Ozark Region
Disneyland Visitors Take Shelter From Southern California Thunderstorms
Tornado Spotted as Officials Warn Northern Missouri Residents to Seek Shelter
Officials Tell Fort Myers Beach Residents to Shelter in Place as Idalia Approaches
Family Shelters Behind Car During Mallorca Storm
Florida Man Kayaks Down Flooded Orlando Street Amid Storm Ian
Family takes shelter as tornado passes through Washington, Illinois