I'm Getting Jumpy

FGS - I'm Here

Leroy Patterson

FGS - Bye!

Leroy Patterson

FGS - I See You

Leroy Patterson

FGS - Gotcha

Leroy Patterson

FGS - Quiet

Leroy Patterson

In The Jaws Of Fear

That's My Exact Fear

The Roku Channel


She Put Fear Into My Soul

The Roku Channel

Emotion | Fear | Scare | Alone #PantsBear

Pants Bear Official

I Think A Lot of People Are Afraid

Are You Led By Fear Or Love

Are There Things You're Afraid Of?

Fear Is The Mind Killer

Social anxiety


A Quiet Place: Day One

A Quiet Place: Day One

What Are You


Frozen In Fear


It Was Really Scary

The Other Side Of Fear

You have so many other things that’s going through


Don't like it in there