I Understand Nothing

That's So Stupid

I'm a Clown

Christina Xing

Idiot Shield | Season 33 Ep. 16 | THE SIMPSONS

Scarecrow Has No Brain

Stupid River | Season 33 Ep. 13 | THE SIMPSONS

Clown Town

Christina Xing

Try This Thing Again

Stupid People

Momma Don't Allow No Stupid Talk Around Here

Shame Bell

Nice job

The issue with genius

Irritating People Reaction

Holly Logan

I Was Stupid

That Is Stupid

What Happens When Drivers Do Stupid Things

So Stupid

Silver Lake Shorts

It's A Stupid Tip

punk thing

Anasse Nabil aka "Pono"

Do I Look Dumb?


She Knew What She Was Doing

Buying Any Stupid Thing

Stupid Thing