We're Going To Make America Great Again

"It's been sad in so many ways."

This Is A Magnificent Place

"That was a little bit too much."

It Was Unbelievable

They Call It Super Tuesday For A Reason

We Are Going To Do It Right

"There's reasons for things having happened."

They have better goggles

Biden has won primaries in VT, VA and NC

"I voted against that."

Donald Trump is wrong

"We have competitive races."

"I went in really prepared."

"Nikki Haley is still in the hunt for delegates."

Minnesota - Biden

"We don't have nearly enough young voices."

Amy Walters explains Nikki Haley's voter base

"You can see the latest results online."

Rep. Adam Schiff

"He's gonna need those voters."

Lisa Desjardins reports
!["[I'm concerned about] the youth vote."](https://media4.giphy.com/media/rNBHOTqgew2VtlnBTv/200.gif?cid=790b7611u4nosbjurfvxjvu6350lms4m6dkn2sa8gztfid3c&ep=v1_videos_search&rid=200.gif&ct=v)
"[I'm concerned about] the youth vote."

Trump's legal problems

"It is the biggest night of the primary season."