![[sips coffee]](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMGg4NGpraWFxNTl5Ym1ueHc1Z2g1ZGpoaGo1a3pncjltanptYXZ2eCZlcD12MV92aWRlb3Nfc2VhcmNoJmN0PXY/Dr3MZWWJwqvqWnC3pW/giphy.gif)
[sips coffee]

Sonic The Hedgehog

Tastes like hot chocolate

You Know What? Flowers

People Try Flower Coffee

It Tastes Great AND It's Pretty?

Drink coffee, not dessert

Berk's Beans Coffee

Definitely Fancy


That's Good!

I Don't Hate It


I Am Shook

I Like That A Lot

Smells Burnt

What is Happening?!

I Like This One

How I Wish Champagne Tasted

It Tastes Sophisticated

Coffee Snob

It Tastes Like Water

No hot coffees

Gonna get this now

Tastes Like Oil

Sitting Inside Someone's Instagram

Does Not Taste Any Different