And we need everyone to spread the word.
The Democrats
Everyone has a story to tell
Folks, great news!
The Democrats
Folks, you are not going to believe this
Everyone has a story to tell
Telling Everyone It Was My Birthday
The Roku Channel
How to Win an Internet Argument
That's a big deal.
The Democrats
Big News
It's a big deal.
The Democrats
NBC - Roll Up Your Sleeves Special
Guess What
I'm Not Ready To Go Back To Work
Can You Tell Me Why Everyone Is Calling Me Karen?
Everyone Think's I'm Will Smith's Son
I'm Ben Platt
Greatest Idea Ever
Here's the good news.
The Democrats
Let's keep getting the word out.
The Democrats
Everyone Be Cute
It's Way Funnier
It's important.
The Democrats
And that is a big deal where I come from.
The Democrats
Today we are here to mark a milestone.
The Democrats