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Creative Courage
Overcharged | Season 3 Ep. 5 | DUNCANVILLE
Michael Cohen's testimony
"Amazing testimony."
"Dry, but pretty compelling testimony."
"It was a very agitated day of testimony..."
"David Pecker's testimony corroborated..."
"Cohen admitted on the stand..."
"This is a man who used to adore Trump."
The Republican Party of today
Michael Cohen's repayment plan
"[Michael Cohen] was worried..."
What Michael Cohen told Allen Weisselberg
"This is the core of the case."
Cohen: "Trump clearly knew what was going on."
Trump's 34 charges in the hush money case
"It's all about politics."
"Trump was heard again on audio tape..."
Stormy Daniels' second day of testimony
Roll Up Your Sleeves
Israeli Soldier Jailed For 10 Days For Assaulting Palestinian Activist in Hebron
#Justice4KCK Testimonial Quote
A Mother's Testimonial
It's About Understanding Your Community
Trump Named as an Unindicted Co-Conspirator in Michigan False Electors Case