For You

South Park Boys Clapping

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

The Democrats

It's a big deal.

The Democrats

AL MVP Winner

You're The Real MVP

American Underdog

Happy New Year!

The Democrats

We have work to do.

The Democrats

As you know, I've worked on that for many years.

The Democrats

Have a good morning.

The Democrats

That Is Next Level

Next Level Chef

And let's be clear about this.

The Democrats

Well, this is an important week!

The Democrats

Final Victory Walk of 2019

American Idol

May God bless you.

The Democrats

Some would say it was historic.

The Democrats

We must not give up.

The Democrats

And we must not give in.

The Democrats

Action Jackson Is MVP!

There's No Limit To What You Can Do

Round of Applause For MVP

Most Genius Idea Ever

Shut it

Hosting My Own Show