Good Thinking

Trying Is Uncool But I Think You're Smart

Parks and Recreation

I Glad You Came to Me

The Token Fairy

There's always another idea

Why Didn't I Think Of That

Visualizing Makes me a Better Student

The Token Fairy

Think about it.

The Democrats

GIPHY PSA Strategy

Good Call

Parks and Recreation

work smarter, not harder

I'll take my chances

Getting High Makes You Smart

I Promise to Take Care of It!

The Token Fairy

You Really Thought We Were Stupid Americans

I Don't Know What Happened...

The Token Fairy

That's Wise

The Roku Channel


The Hot Sauce is Making Me Smart

First We Feast

I Think I'm Gonna Win

I Think It's Smart

The Roku Channel

I Think That's Smart

The Roku Channel

You're Too Smart To Think This Was Gonna Be Easy