Employee of The Month Shut Up

Trying On Shoes And Eating Chicken Nuggets

Trying Is Uncool But I Think You're Smart

Parks and Recreation

The Best Advice Michael Gave Dwight

Uhhh Nooo

First We Feast

Amazing Product | Season 34 Ep. 16 | THE SIMPSONS

Oh Really?

I Try Not To Think About It

Momma Don't Allow No Stupid Talk Around Here

I Am Dumb

The Roku Channel

He's Not The Sharpest Pencil In The Box

Think about it.

The Democrats

So Smart | Season 12 Ep. 14 | BOB'S BURGERS

The Boss is in town we gotta not look like idiots

Cold Tea | Love and Marriage: Huntsville

OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network

Never Heard Before

A Beautiful Union

Try Thinking

Try Not To Think About It

The Roku Channel

Why Didn't Anyone Think of This?

Think So? Then You Try.

Pee-wee Herman

Simple Diversion Tactic

Think About That

I Don't Think This Is Right

Just Picture It