Trying to cook a turkey
The Dangers Of Frying Turkey
Cooking Turkey
Mr. Huggins | BOB'S BURGERS
Bob's Burgers
Pulling Turkey Out Of The Oven Gets Spicy
Bob Talking to Popcorn | BOB'S BURGERS
Bob's Burgers
Stick to the microvawe
Caesar's Thanksgiving Dinner
GIPHY Studios 2022
Inspired me to cook
Zero cooking ability
Do people usually do this?
Drumsticks are my favorite
Appreciation for turkey carvers
I love turkey
Never carved a turkey
You guys did a great job
When I was 18
Embarrassing to admit
Easier with serrated knife
Competitive thing
It's like Disneyland
Really awkward
Wasn't paying full attention
Thomas Cook Passengers Collect Money for Holiday Rep at Turkish Resort