Belated happy birthday!

The Democrats

Sure. No. You kidding me?

The Democrats

We did it!

The Democrats

You don't have any sweater on...

The Democrats

Keep the faith!

The Democrats

You Can Do It

UN Peacekeeping

You are the future.

The Democrats

Thank you for being who you are.

The Democrats

Thank you.

The Democrats

We have to get through it.

The Democrats

Thank you all for joining us.

The Democrats

Thank you for all you're doing.

The Democrats

Thank you all.

The Democrats

There are people out there who love you.

The Democrats

Thank you so much.

The Democrats

Congratulations to all of you.

I know what the answer is, and I think you all do"

The Democrats

You make it possible.

The Democrats

I really mean it, you're something else.

The Democrats

Thank you so much.

The Democrats

Thank you!

Thank you all.

The Democrats

Thank you.

The Democrats

I'm proud of you.

The Democrats

We have your back.