Because of your work, Democrats took back Senate
The Democrats
They Don't Wanna Give Us Any of It
Stop Big Money's Control of Politics
Creative Courage
Georgians Line Up for Early Voting in Senate Runoff Election
Hundreds Raise Their Fists in Protest Against Family Separation at Senate Offices
Protesters Block Traffic at US Capitol to Call for Action on 'Build Back Better' Plan
US Senator Joe Manchin 'Swarmed' by Climate Protesters
Gaza Protesters Interrupt US Defense Secretary During Budget Hearing
Pro-Palestine Demonstrators Stage Sit-In at US Capitol
"We don't have nearly enough young voices."
Senator Lindsey Graham Makes Surprise Manbij Visit, Calls For US to Maintain Syria Presence
Police Respond to 'Active Shooter' Report at US Senate Buildings
Tear Gas Used During Pro-Abortion Rights Protest Outside Arizona State Capitol Building