FaZe babybay's insane Op kills

FaZe Marved gets the ace

GenG HUYNH gets the ace to close it out

CLG Red pulls a Gen.G

OWA OWA Hannah cleans it up with a sweet 3k

LG moose with the 5head play

C9 Keiti makes it look easy with the ace

V1 penny does the unthinkable with the Op

Become The Nightmare

Become The Nightmare

Become The Nightmare

The Reputation

What Are You Afraid Of?

The Pressure

Become The Nightmare

Become The Nightmare

Become The Nightmare

Embrace Your Fears

The Unknown

Become The Nightmare

SEN TenZ frags around the smokes

Dylan Bounce & Guthinho (VALORANT) Part. 1