"Thank you very much."

"I'm a very innocent man."

"The verdict is in."

"It sounds so bad!"

Unanimous Conclusion

"A still very uncertain future legally for Trump."

"Trump is found guilty on all...charges..."

"I would have testified."

"It's an honor to be doing this."

"I don't feel 77."

"That's a bad thing for me."

"The jury reached a unanimous verdict."

"The justice system should be respected."

"I'm under a gag order."

We Have A Verdict

"They wouldn’t give us a venue change."

"The real verdict is gonna be Nov. 5..."

"Our job is to follow the facts and the law..."

"This was the first trial..."

"Jurors perform a fundamental civic duty."

"The criminal justice system...worked..."

"They ended up losing this case because..."

"David Pecker's testimony corroborated..."

"Each of these counts carries a..."
!["[Trump] was just staring straight ahead."](https://media2.giphy.com/media/AKluzpcJo6WxQLOVlc/200.gif?cid=790b7611hzb0emk8yhotmxfdtbil3qry9jd7me7ly3pkicp1&ep=v1_videos_search&rid=200.gif&ct=v)
"[Trump] was just staring straight ahead."