Helpful Cockatoo Assists Owner With Laundry
Momma Bear Skillfully Scales Porch Railing to Drink From Birdbath
English Birds Crowd Birdbath as Heat Wave Hits UK
Man Helps Thirsty Pigeon Wet Its Beak at Water Fountain in New York
Thirsty Leopard Takes Long, Long Drink From Backyard Bird Bath
Clever Macaw Majestically Flies Back to Owner
Mama Bird Builds Nest in Cigarette Bin
Soldier and Injured Crow Form Unlikely Bond in East Ukraine
Confident Parrot Says "Look at You! You're All Wet" After Shower
Goslings Gather for Sunrise Food Hunt on Banks of Lake Superior
Creative Cockatoo Enjoys Gardening Her Own Way
Cockatoo Relentlessly Throws Plastic Bottle Around Room