Sure. No. You kidding me?

The Democrats

We did it, Joe.

The Democrats

Belated happy birthday!

The Democrats

We did it!

The Democrats

You don't have any sweater on...

The Democrats

Keep the faith!

The Democrats

Are You Sure?

"You don't like that bill, huh?"

Are You Kidding Me?

Why Would You Do That?

You Didn't Call Me?!

WTF Did You Guys Do?

Why You So Jumpy?

Thanks For Admitting That

Did You Have to Wear Your Uniform?

You are the future.

The Democrats

But thank you.

The Democrats

You Called This You Envisioned It

Do You See Him Anywhere?

Eternal Family

It's Not The Dog It's You

Eternal Family

I Wear Jewelry To Inspire You


If You Deny This You Deny The Truth

Eternal Family

Thank you for all you're doing.

The Democrats

"I know you know how to read!"

Thank you so much.

The Democrats