You're A Mean One Mister!
You're pretty mean
Just Because They're Not Happy Doesn't Mean They Can Make You Unhappy
Are You Trying to Hurt My Feelings?
You mad huh
Holly Logan
C'est quoi ton but
You suck!
I Feel Like Everyone Is Judging Me
Can't Take You Anywhere
How DARE Are You?
GIPHY Studios 2021
I've Never Been Treated Like This
That's Messed Up!
Dude That Is Not Cool
Bad Oral Hygiene
You're Being A Jerk
Parks and Recreation
Whatever that Means
EIDL Experts & Biz Glitch 366
I'm Tryin To Eat Lunch Here
Jason Clarke
How Dare You
GIPHY Studios 2021
That's Not Fair
Parks and Recreation
Pretty Harsh
Rick and Morty
Why Did You Let Yourself Do This?
I Just Wanted Him To Apologize