La Guarimba Film Festival
Tropical Fish
Ocean Pipe
Scuba Divers Explore the Corsair Dive Site
How to swim
The Slow GIF Movement
Freediver Shows Off Superb Gymnastic Skills Underwater
Athlete Shows Off Gymnastics Skills Underwater
House Floats Down River in Edenville, Michigan, After Severe Flooding
Scuba Divers Encounter Rare Jellyfish Beneath the Surface
Several Leatherjacket Fish Gobble a Shrimp in Port Phillip Bay
Cars Drive Through Inches of Floodwater in Chennai, India
Majestic Sea Turtle Elegantly Swims to the Surface
Swimming With Sea Turtle
Hordes of Giant Spider Crabs Pile Up on Sea Floor in Port Phillip Bay
'Hide and Seek': Diver Spots Adorable Globefish Hiding Amid Wreckage
Caught on Camera: Giant Cuttlefish Mate at Port Phillip Bay
Playful Seal Demands Scratches from Diver
Seal Holds Hands With Diver While Tickling His Face With Whiskers
Miami Streets Underwater After Storm Drops
Diver in Caribbean Swims With Fish and Sharks
Diver Takes a Trip With Pilot Whales Above and Below the Surface
Curious Seals Hang Out With Diver Off North English Coast
Hello! Diver Watches on as Octopus and Pufferfish Cross Paths
Mollusk on the Move: Freediver Spots Scallop Shuffling Across Seabed
Grouper Swims With Mouth Open in Caribbean