OUR MISSION: To provide independent artists and creative entrepreneurs with tools, resources, exposure and education. Since 2009, RAW has been showcasing independent talent in visual art, film, fashion design, accessories design, music, performance art, hair and makeup artistry, technology, handmade crafts and photography. RAW is a fun and alternative way for artists to showcase both to their local community and the world-at-large. We are not your average art show. We are loud, colorful, creative, and all about our artists. We are RAW. RAW currently operates in over 60 cities across the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK! WHAT WE DO: OFFLINE + Live Local Events: RAW Directors in cities across the world hand-pick and spotlight local artistic talent in visual art, fashion design, film,music, performance art, hair & makeup artistry, and photography through local eclectic RAW events. With artists from all genres in each showcase, RAW events come together to form an amazing one-night circus of creativity. ONLINE + Global Network: www.RAWartists.org is designed to showcase our RAW artists online and internationally. RAWartists.org hosts a plethora of online profiles — exclusive to our RAW artists. RAWartists.org is open to the public to view, however, the site profiles and perks are reserved for only selected RAW artists. RAW artists are able to connect with other RAW artists, post photos, videos and music and promote upcoming projects. We also host what we call our RAWk Wall, where art gets down to business. This portion of the site consists of exclusive art-to-business opportunities for our RAW artists to participate in.