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Founded in 1960, the Humane Society of Utah (HSU) has always fostered an atmosphere of love, compassion and respect for Utah’s pets and is dedicated to the elimination of pain, fear and suffering in all animals. HSU is a member of the No-Kill Utah (NKUT) Coalition and works hard to ensure that every healthy and treatable pet that enters our facility will be placed in a loving home. There is no set limit on the length of time an animal may remain in our adoption program. HSU is Utah's largest, private open-admission shelter, meaning that our doors are open to any animal that we can legally accept.

All the Utah Humane GIFs

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Sticker by Utah HumaneHumane Society Dogs Sticker by Utah Humane
Adopt Me Bow Tie Sticker by Utah HumaneAdopt Me Good Boy Sticker by Utah HumaneAdopt Me Animal Rescue Sticker by Utah HumaneAdopt Me Animal Rescue Sticker by Utah HumaneHumane Society Dogs Sticker by Utah Humane
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