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Happy Thursday
Happy Friday!

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Friday Thursday GIF by Nicky RojoDays Of The Week Swag GIF by Sealed With A GIFWorking Days Of The Week GIF by Sealed With A GIFThe Office gif. Brian Baumgartner as Kevin Malone is seen through the blinds of an office window. He's spinning around in an office chair gleefully. Text, "It's Friiidaaay!!!"TV gif. A man with a mullet and a gray suit, dances on a show that looks like it's from the 1980s. He moves forward, jerking his bent arms and legs around awkwardly as he takes his time dancing in a circle.Illustrated gif. A sloth with huge glasses sits at a computer and does work with a straight face. Suddenly, they toss their computer and keyboard off and cheer, with the text reading, "It's Friday!!!"Video gif. A sloth is moving towards us and doing the shuffle in the aisle of a grocery store. He's dancing remarkably fast and well for a sloth. TV gif. Sherman Hemsley as George in The Jeffersons dances energetically like a limp noodle with a groovy woman in blue. Text, "Friday!"Video gif. A woman in roller skates holds onto the side of a bench next to the skating rink. She rocks back and forth happily then falls back onto the bench, feet flying into the air. Text, “When you think it’s Friday, but it’s only Thursday.”Video gif. An animatronic pig has his head out of a car window with a huge smile on its face. It holds two green, yellow, and red pinwheels that rapidly spin in the wind. The pig waves them around excitedly. The text says, “It’s Friday!!"Digital illustration gif. Beagle takes in the smell of an animated pink rose in a field of purple trees. Its nostrils move in and out as it sniffs, petals flying through the frame. Text, "Smell that? It's the weekend."Cartoon gif. Blambi, the little yellow dinosaur in DinoSally, twirls on one foot and blows kisses against a pink background, sending hearts out each time. Text, "Happy Friday."Movie gif. Bradley Cooper as Phil in The Hangover power walking away from a school, waves off a student saying "I don't know you, you do not exist."Black Friday Christmas GIF by TargetMovie gif. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as Kate and Maura from Sisters do a synchronized dance at a house party. Text, "TGIF."TV gif. Chris Pratt as Andy Dwyer on Parks and Recreation has a bowtie and nice vest on. He rubs his hands together with wide eyes and a wide grin that looks like he’s scheming something up. Text, “It’s almost Friday!”Text gif. Purple-and-blue gradient background with wavy bubbly pink and yellow text that reads "Happy Friday." A guy dancing stands in for the letter I.Happy Good Vibes GIF by Mino GamesRebecca Black Day GIFVideo gif. A photo of a dog smiling with illustrated sunglasses shining on his face. Text, "Happy friday."Video gif. Peaceful rippling lake below distant mountain peaks. Text, "Thursday is Friday eve." The Office gif. Steve Carell as Michael Scott dances happily and awkwardly. Text, "Almost the weekend."Seinfeld gif. Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Elaine, and Jason Alexander as George celebrate with their hands in the air and fast feet alternating rapidly on the ground. Text, "Fri-yay!"Happy Good Vibes GIF by Mino Games
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