Digital art gif. An orange sun in a blue sky is quickly wiped away by a dark night sky. Text, "good night."Illustrated gif. Sleeping moon, glowing brightly in a dark indigo sky with twinkling stars and curly dark gray cloud, emitting Zs.Illustration gif. Blue crescent moon with a face floats in a starry night sky asleep. Its mouth slightly wiggles as it sleeps.Video gif. A woman bounces backward into bed, tucking herself in with a backflip. Another woman attempts the same, but loses control, bouncing out of the bed and face-planting onto the floor.Video gif. A baby polar bear is laying on its stomach and is sleeping. It licks its tongue out a couple times but doesn't stir from its slumber.Video gif. A live action baby chick sits in front of an illustrated dark blue background with stars and a crescent moon. Instances of the letter "Z" above its head tell us it's sleeping. Text, "Goodnight my love."Video gif. A round little grey cat stares off into space. All of a sudden, its head falls down, asleep.
Digital art gif. A little bear and little yellow bird, both in pajamas, cling to a crescent moon, asleep, as stars twirl in the night sky. Text, “Good night”Video gif. Seated on a couch, a baby lazily falls forward onto the cushion, landing on their face. Text, "Good night! Zzz"Mesmerizing Milky Way GIFGood Night GIFGood Night Sleeping GIFCartoon gif. Jerry the mouse from Tom and Jerry lies sleepily on a hammock as he reaches up and happily pulls an enormous pillow under his head.
Illustrated gif. A smiling orange snuggles with a bottle under a blanket as it breathes heavily in deep sleep. Movie gif. Winnie the Pooh from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. He has an eye mask and sleep hat on and is getting cozy in bed. He smiles and turns around, launching himself at his pillow as he cuddles with it.Movie gif. Boo from Monsters Inc sits up in bed as she suddenly plops down asleep on the pillow. Snoozing Z's read, "Zzzzz"night dark GIFIllustrated gif. Orange bunny lays down, asleep, with a pink polka dot blanket over it. It pulls the blanket up closer to its face and its ears wiggle as they sleep. Text, “Good Night.”Wildlife gif. Sleeping sloth perched over a blanket yawns wide, opens eyes, then sticks out his tongue.
Full Moon Night GIF by Robert MatejcekI Cant Sleep Night Owl GIF by catgrassCartoon gif. Bedtime Bear from Care Bears jumps into bed with a nightcap on. He quickly blows out his candle on his nightstand and closes his eyes to fall asleep. The candle mysteriously lights back up and Bedtime Bear opens his eyes in shock. He blows it back out and falls back asleep with a smile on his face. Video gif. A little girl in a swimsuit lies down on wet sand. Text, "I take a nap right here."Good Night GIFCamping Shooting Star GIF
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